“Three things in human life are important, the first is to be kind, the second is to be kind, and the third is to be kind.” - Henry James 

Portrait of me by Quynn & Kennedy



Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”
- Arundhati Roy

Portrait of me by @mikelikesscience
University of Maryland – School of Public Health
PhD Social Epidemiology student, current

Oregon Health and Science University-Portland State University – School of Public Health
MPH Public Health Practice, 2022

University of California, Irvine
PM Certification, 2018
University of California, Irvine
MS Chemistry, 2013

University of Pittsburgh
BS Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics, 2009
University of Pittsburgh
BA Philosophy, 2009
Candid portraits and photojournalism are my greatest passions. When I connect with a subject, engaging a person, I learn a little more about what it is to be human and my perspective is changed not just physically in the moment but mentally for a lifetime.
With these experiences I grow not just as a photographer but as a person.

Photography is a challenge and a catharsis for me.
It is a way I practice my humanism.

My portfolio includes pro-bono work for non-profits: The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Women In Science PDX, Keep Oregon Well, Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, and others. My work has been used for national marketing campaigns, promotional flyers, newsletters, and more.

Offering sliding scale based on needs, not limited to— BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, disability status, occupational status, etc.

I am mostly located in the DMV and PNW areas.

I am a PhD student, Dean’s Fellowship recipient, and Flagship Fellow at the University of Maryland – School of Public Health, Epidemiology and Biostatistics Department, specializing in social epidemiology and biostatistics, gun violence prevention, and LGBTQIA+ population health, and social sciences


Email for inquiry: nejameson@gmail.com
studio artwork

︎ nejameson@gmail.com

Nora Shayne E Jameson Photography © Baltimore, Maryland